Sacred Master Key

spiritual enlightenment

Master Key

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus


inspirational stories

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge Book and Ebook By Allan Rufus

Could you just STOP for a moment, and ask yourself, “What do I want in my life, and do I want quantifying change in my life?”

Because ONLY YOU can make a difference in YOUR LIFE!

“Don’t buy this book unless you want to change your life NOW!”

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Don’t let the simplicity of this book fool you! Take your time and really meditate on what has been written, and see the transformation manifest in front of your eyes in your daily life!” – Allan Rufus


“It has not been a coincidence that I have come upon this book.  It has touched my heart and has made me aware of so much. I have a better understanding of Loving myself and Life. I have gone to your website to find more of what resonates with my heart. Thank you for sharing with us all the wisdom from your heart, that which will help us all. I now know that I’m unconditionally loved. That’s big….Joy to you and your life. Thank you for helping me on my journey….” – Christell Benson 

“Some of the best information on sacred knowledge around.” 5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars November 20, 2014. By Amazon Customer Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase 

“The Masters Sacred Knowledge is a must read for anyone that is genuinely seeking real, lasting and quantifiable “change” in their personal lives. True, there may already an abundance of self help books out there at the moment. But rarely have I read one as insightful or plainly written as the “Master’s Sacred Knowledge”. Not only is it a great introduction to some of the core principles of spirituality and living a simpler, better life, it’s very words seems to speak to a deeper part of “self” that needs to be nurtured and cared for. A real gem of a book and one that I am sure to read over and over! I’m glad it found its way to me.” Charles Anthony McFaulds

THE MASTERS SACRED KNOWLEDGE – is a very rare book that deals with the positive hidden elements in a person. Today we are all surrounded by worries, trouble & negative forces. This is a book that gives us an insight to counter these forces that tend to slow down /destroy our development in this fast changing world.
I would recommend this book to all who want to excel in life & face this world very bravely. This is a book MUST for all those who have lost all hope in life.
This book gives us the key to open our inner energies & win over the world.”

FROM BODY AND MIND SOUTH AFRICA “We live together in this life, along this amazing journey to learn, to grow and to love. And every now and then, we come across some inspiration, an epiphany that alters the path ever so slightly but makes sure we learn what we need to learn. Along this journey we also have choice. This God-given gift is so precious. There comes a time in life when we realise that life is not only about making money and driving a nice car. Yes, we need to live because nothing is free, but we can achieve the same material goals with God in mind all the time… we can dedicate everything to that Supreme Infinite and then life becomes blissful. It is at this time when we seek spiritual guidance. It is known and has been said that ‘when the student is ready, the teacher appears.’ The Master’s Sacred Knowledge, by Allan Rufus, is one such teacher. This is indeed a ‘key to your inner treasure.’ The text itself flows well, is very easy to understand and offers practical daily advice. Allan is indeed an honest and sincere spiritual individual – truly noted by his courage to publish such a book. What I love about this style is that you can read from cover to cover, or simply ask yourself a question and flip the book open – read the chapter and use it as your inspiration for the day. Take it, with an open heart, and enjoy it!” Body and Mind South Africa

“SPEECHLESS!!!! Most amazing book ever!!!
Thank you for sharing this unbelievable knowledge in such an magnificent way. You are truly a Master.”
Love it!!! Love it!!! Love it!!!” Lucia

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge – This story is about a wise old Sage who passes on his sacred teachings to an insecure young man and takes him on an inner journey explaining the Art of Living, the Art of Living in the Now and the Art of Dying.

He helps him find out who he really is, and teaches him about the power of Unconditional Love by bringing awareness into his life to show how important these 3 steps are in life.

The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he harms himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living and help him bring about positive changes into his life NOW and therefore change his future.

This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.

The book “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” is full of simple philosophy molded into a story for easy reading and easy understanding. Yet when you take each bit of philosophy individually and work with it, it becomes a very powerful tool to help in transforming one’s life. The Master also talks about the chakric system as well as the universal Laws in which we should get to know and work with-in, which will again help enhance one’s life.

This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making.

You have 2 ways to transform your life! Order your copy now in Paperback OR Get your very affordable INSTANT DOWNLOAD in Ebook.      

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The Master's Sacred Knowledge Book and Ebook By Allan Rufus

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge Book and Ebook By Allan Rufus


Enjoy your journey TO your destination one step at a time…

Sacred Master Key with symbol meanings

Sacred Master Key with symbol meanings



Listen to an audio excerpt which can be found in the comments section, and then read along with the text below. Enjoy …

Excerpt from the book                            BIRTH

Art of Living

The old wise man was walking down a dusty dirt road on his way to the sea thinking happily to himself what a beautiful fresh morning it was, with the sun just peaking over the mountains he had just left behind shining and warming his back and casting his long shadow in front of him. “Greetings shadow self, nice to see you again, I trust you are well this morning and we shall continue to be at peace with each other like every other day.”

The birds were chirping and singing sweet songs, and flying around in search of a tasty meal at the beginning of their day. The buzz of the insects flying past and the flutter of the butterfly from flower to flower, as well as the hum of the bees collecting pollen to turn into honey were every day events that the old wise man liked to see, hear, smell and to feel what was going on around him. How amazing this all is, he thought to himself again, what a wonderful creation I am privileged to be a part of.

As the wise old man was going around the bend in the road, he noticed a young man standing on a stump by a tree holding a rope, part of the rope was tied around a high branch and the other part was a noose which was in his hands, which he was about to place around his neck.

The wise old man gently and quietly walked up to the young man and greeted him.

“Morning young man,” said the old man. “May I humbly interrupt you please for a moment? It looks to me that you are about to place that strong rope around your neck to hang yourself. If this is the case then please allow me to interrupt you for a few minutes of your time, so I can tell you a few things before you do, some things that may help you change your mind. Things that are important to the way you can look at life, things that will change your life for the better and will inspire you to love life, then I will be on my way and then you can carry on doing whatever you want to do!”

The young man looked at the old man with sadness in his face, and smudged tears around his eyes. The young man did not say anything except nodded that it was ok for the old man to say what he wanted to say.

“Please, sit down awhile on your wooden stump young master if you will,” the old wise man said in a gentle and kind voice pointing to the stump the young man was standing on. “It seems that you are not having a good day, maybe a good week or even a good year, but I would like to pass something onto you that can change that and then maybe you can still hang yourself, but this time by your feet and not your neck. This way you can still stay alive and be part of this wonderful world in which we live in, and this will help you to look at life from a completely different angle and with a very different view.”

The young man thought about it for a few seconds, then he sat down on the chopped bark-less wooden stump.

“I would like to pass on to you some Sacred principles in the Art of Living and Dying, and to share some Sacred Wisdom with you that will really change your world around if you would be willing to give it some consideration, and then slowly implement it in your daily living,” said the old wise man. “Sacred principles that will take you from a world from outer doing to that of a world of inner being.”

“We are all on a journey of self discovery, and it is not the end destination that matters right now, but what does matter right now is how you are in the present moment, the here and now, what you are thinking and feeling now, what your deeds and actions are now. That is what is really important to you today, and then in each moment of every other day is just as important. It is all about the now and the step-by-step you take in your journey to your destination that matters and determines your future and what you will also encounter in your future, as how you feel in the now will be your future. So don’t live life aimlessly and without purpose or the small insignificant things or problems will start to erode you away. I will call you young master because everyone is a master in the making, until you become the Master. Can you understand this young master?” asked the old man to the young insecure boy.

The young boy nodded.

“I can give you a Master Key that can open many doors, but you need to unlock the doors and walk through them by yourself. Unlocking the doors and going through them will release you from your-self created bondage and prison cell. That I cannot do for you. I can only pass on this Master key to you, and what you do with it is up to you.”

The boy nodded after listening, and he was happy that someone cared for him, and was taking the time to talk to him. He was also now very curious as to what this old man was going to say to him.

“Young master, what good is knowledge if you don’t put it into practice! Young master, what is knowledge?” the old man asked, but not waiting for an answer. “Knowledge is all the things and lessons you have learnt along your path up to this point in your life, and you will continue to learn more as you keep moving along your pathway to your destination. So, look at the greater picture of all your life and look forward to all the days that will come in your future, learn from your past and most importantly live positively in the NOW, in this present moment, which is a gift from the creator, and get your mindset balanced to be truly happy.”

“The journey to the centre of your heart is a challenging one, and there will be many trying moments when you will want to give it up, but each moment is there to teach you something, and it’s how you approach each of these moments which decide your highs and lows and your future and all our futures. We all reach different levels of understanding at different times, and the information that each of us comes into contact with will mean different things to different people, depending on their consciousness. We are all on different cycles, and paths which are leading us back to the Creator Source and it is up to us as individuals the direction we choose to go in, the people we choose to be with whether it’s forward, backwards, or even around and around and around. So choose these things wisely young master so as not to chase your tail!” said the old sage looking at the boy gently.

“The sculpting of our self is a never ending process. You decide what you want to look like by chiselling, moulding and trimming your shape, your personality – your Tree of Life. You have the power to add or subtract the traits you like and dislike. It is a process of moulding and carving the soul seed which you are to your liking. This seed grows to be the big you. You water the seed with knowledge as it grows, it takes years and years to get big, we all have to start as a seed, then turn into a seedling and then into a mighty tree if that’s what you want to be. The wisdom is your fruit which others can live off, and the seed can be replanted to go and bring life about again, a never ending process, the circle of life!” explained the sage.

“This tree you have chosen today is a very old tree, it has gone through many different seasons, good and bad yet it is still here, big, strong, tall and graceful, just like you can become over time. Look at the colours of the leaves, they are changing and will soon let go and be released to carry on their own journey, and the tree will be left bare yet still living patiently waiting for its spring to come around again and then it will rejuvenate itself to that of magnificent glory. We all need to let go of that which we no longer need, or no longer serves us at any given point in our journey, just like the tree letting go its leaves or parts of itself, the things that it knows would be detrimental to its survival at a certain times of the year, knowing well that it is part of the cycle of life. It just releases parts of itself, it does kill itself, and this is something you may want to consider young master.”

“See that negative engraving on the tree trunk?” said the sage pointing to a carving in the tree. “That has been engraved on the trunk by someone who is not looking at life in a positive way, and it will be with this tree for the rest of its life, it cannot get away from it, it cannot release or change what someone else has done to it, but you can, you have the power and consciousness to get rid of negative engravings you have allowed others to carve in you as well as the ones you have created yourself. You don’t have to carry those engravings with you for the rest of your life. You just need to become aware that they are there, and you can transmute them out of your being. You have the power and ability to let them go!”

“You have the power young master, you have the power!” explained the master confidently and pointing to the seated youngster who looked up.

“The changing point in my life was with my motto – as long as I learn something every day, it doesn’t matter how small or large that something is, it’s something that I didn’t know before, and have learnt and added to my knowledge and character. The wisdom only came later when I started putting it into practice,” said the old man delightfully. “It takes time, but gives you something to focus on. Focus and work on you young master, as you really matter in your life. I also went through a very bad time like you are now, but I decided to take the steps through the phase I was going through, and I eventually saw the clearing and found direction again.” To carry on reading you can get your INSTANT DOWNLOAD in EBook  OR Order your Paperback copy TODAY!

Thank you for taking the time to read this excerpt on “The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” and hope you enjoyed it.

“The Master’s Sacred Knowledge” – by Allan Rufus.

A key to your inner treasure.


This book is for you ONLY if you are wanting to understand your life,  and to find out why things are happening to you as well as to bring awareness into your reality for everlasting transformation.

By starting to take the steps inwards today to “KNOW THYSELF”,  you go from being dull to being divine, from being depressed to being a magician and from being ordinary to that of being extraordinary.

Start your step by step process today in your own self discovery if you haven’t started already. Step inside your world and “become your own Master”, where you will learn not to give your power away any longer.

Knowledge is power, but do you have the wisdom to use this knowledge daily and correctly for the benefit of not only yourself, but in uplifting others too?

Release your Limited Belief Structures. It is your time now, and what tune are you going to play?

You may have said “Please send me a person who can change my life for the better.” Well the teacher will appear when you are ready.

ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR TEACHER? This book may just be that teacher!

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge will change your life ONLY if you are ready, and Open Minded.


The Master’s Sacred Knowledge – A key to your inner treasure.

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus in Paperback!

The Master’s Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus in EBook!

Blessings of Love, Light and Peace.

Allan Rufus


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Smiling Eyes - Sacred Master Key

Smiling Eyes – Sacred Master Key


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20 Responses to Sacred Master Key

  1. patty says:

    That’s a good writing! Truth prevails! It is always nice to know that God is our Source within…and we have to let go of human concepts!!

  2. Charles Anthony McFaulds says:

    The Masters Sacred Knowledge is a must read for anyone that is genuinely seeking real, lasting and quantifiable “change” in their personal lives. True, there may already an abundance of self help books out there at the moment. But rarely have I read one as insightful or plainly written as the “Master’s Sacred Knowledge”. Not only is it a great introduction to some of the core principles of spirituality and living a simpler, better life, it’s very words seems to speak to a deeper part of “self” that needs to be nurtured and cared for. A real gem of a book and one that I am sure to read over and over! I’m glad it found its way to me. Charles Anthony McFaulds

    • Hi Charles, I am very happy that you enjoyed my book. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words! Your comments reflect what I tried to achieve with this simplistic, yet powerful book which speaks about some core spiritual principles in the Art of Living, Living in the Now and the Art of Dying which can benifit our own individual personal development, and in the end benifits all others around us. Kind regards and namaste.


  3. THE MASTERS SACRED KNOWLEDGE – is a very rare book that deals with the positive hidden elements in a person. Today we are all surrounded by worries, trouble & negative forces. This is a book that gives us an insight to counter these forces that tend to slow down /destroy our development in this fast changing world.
    I would recommend this book to all who want to excel in life & face this world very bravely. This is a book MUST for all those who have lost all hope in life.
    This book gives us the key to open our inner energies & win over the world.

    • Hi Nelson, thanks for your kind words! Yes, life is one big learning curve, and one has to ask themselves, “Am I learning?”

      I am happy you enjoyed the book, and will take something away from it.

      Kind regards


    “We live together in this life, along this amazing journey to learn, to grow and to love. And every now and then, we come across some inspiration, an epiphany that alters the path ever so slightly but makes sure we learn what we need to learn. Along this journey we also have choice. This God-given gift is so precious.

    There comes a time in life when we realise that life is not only about making money and driving a nice car. Yes, we need to live because nothing is free, but we can achieve the same material goals with God in mind all the time… we can dedicate everything to that Supreme Infinite and then life becomes blissful. It is at this time when we seek spiritual guidance. It is known and has been said that ‘when the student is ready, the teacher appears.’

    The Master’s Sacred Knowledge, by Allan Rufus, is one such teacher. This is indeed a ‘key to your inner treasure.’ The text itself flows well, is very easy to understand and offers practical daily advice. Allan is indeed an honest and sincere spiritual individual – truly noted by his courage to publish such a book. What I love about this style is that you can read from cover to cover, or simply ask yourself a question and flip the book open – read the chapter and use it as your inspiration for the day. Take it, with an open heart, and enjoy it!”

    Body and Mind

  5. Lucia says:

    Most amazing book ever!!!
    Thank you for sharing this unbelievable knowledge in such an magnificent way. You are truly a Master.
    Love it!!! Love it!!! Love it!!!

  6. Karan says:

    What a wonderful, inspiring, empowering and life-changing book!! So full of the highest wisdom and best guidance. This is the inner knowledge that your parents, teachers or mentors in life will likely not be able to give you (at least not in such a complete form) but is so very important that you wonder how you managed to live thus far without it.
    I listened to the audio version (and subsequently ordered the book) and the concepts just felt so correct and authentic throughout. This is a book that needs to be re-read many times.
    In addition to the high quality content and the writing style of the book, I also really liked the engaging voice of the narrator in the audio version; he sounds so wise and grand-fatherly!
    My deepest thanks to Allan for taking the effort to put this wisdom together and sharing it with the world.
    Namaste and God bless you.

  7. Rumy says:

    Great writing! Very valuable wisdom, cannot stop reading, listening, reading again .. It is wonderful how this book came to me – it was given by one of my spiritual guides during a meditation together with your name! Amazing and empowering experience!
    Thank you for sharing!
    p.s. I tried to contact you on FB and sent a message, perhaps it went to your Other items folder and it is not visible. I was so excited about the way your name and book was sent to me from Spirit, so apologies for intruding.
    Blessings to you !

    • That’s so exciting, and thanks for leaving a message telling me. I am happy you are enjoying my book. Every time you go through it again, you will pick up something else to work with. The principles in this book are the ones I have used to improve my life and takes me closer to my ultimate goal, which is unconditional love for all things! Blessing of love, light, joy and peace to you my soul friend.

  8. Donna Smith says:

    The best self help book ever

  9. Deb says:

    I have listened to this all week long, all day long via YouTube. I cannot express to you just how much this book has resonated with me. I went to Barnes and Noble today to buy but it was out of stock so I have just ordered it on Amazon. I must have it. I so love the way you wrote this, a wonderfully simple story that conveys just how we can get in touch with ourselves and better ourselves. I have also just followed you on facebook, can’t get enough. So much so I even bought some books on Chakras, I want to learn more about them too! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Each morning I now send out love and light to the Universe, I have been had a very difficult year and I must say I am already feeling more positive and happy!! Much love and light to you!!

    • Hi Deb, you are most welcome and thanks for your comments! Once in the habit of sending love out of the heart, it really does change your world into a better and loving world. What you tap into and focus on becomes your life. The chakras are who we actually are, so once you get an understanding of them then you get an understanding of who you are! Thanks for supporting me by buying my book. Feel free to spread the youtube link to your friends and family! 🙂 This is a year of great change, and this March is called Madness Month as the energy coming onto the Planet is shaking everything to it core-self, so be prepared for change not only in yourself, but also outside yourself. Just stay centered in your heart and send love out, and as things change you will stay balanced as the heart chakra is the axis, the middle of the turning “Wheel”. Remember, happiness is a conscious choice, and that comes from within and correct thinking. No matter what happens outside yourself, it cannot affect you unless you give it the power to do so. Unconditional Love is the most amazing place to live, yes challenging to stay there, but so rewarding. Tons of love, light, joy and peace to you Deb!

  10. Deb says:

    Wow today could not get more perfect! This morning I see you have responded to me and tonight waiting for me is your book!! Sheer perfection.
    It’s fascinating that you say this is a year of great change, I too have a blog on WordPress and one of my posts has been “2016 Year of the Change” don’t you just love the Universe. Thank you for that information regarding March, as I had said previously this past year has been a difficult one for me, work-wise and it hasn’t gotten any easier. I do see some more changes happening this month at work which will continue to affect me in a negative way…so what I need to do is look at the situation and find the positive in it and come from a place of Unconditional Love. See that is what I love about your book…it’s like a bible for me. Each day has been such a challenge and just listening to the wise old sage’s advice sincerely helps me. So now that you have prepared me for March I will keep my heart centered and send out love. You are so right about Unconditional Love being challenging, being happy and positive everyday is challenging too but something I have been striving very hard at for the past year.
    I noticed you also responded to me on YouTube and I will answer your questions there…and I have shared the video with several friends already…Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me, it means the world to me.
    Although I am not young, I am a young master in the making who has just met their teacher…much love, light, happiness, peace and joy to you also!!
    Thank you from my heart-center,

    • Deb send love and light from your heart centre to your work place, around your office and desk, and to anyone at work that you are having a challenging time with (See and feel this love and light going to their heart centre). This will increase the vibration around that space and those people. The greater the energy you send the greater the effect. Ask your angel guides also to do an energy clearance around your office and desk. Arch Angel Michael is really good at doing that if you ask him (out loud)!

      Don’t let the outside circumstance unbalance your inner being, take it all in your stride and peacefulness. Stay centred and balanced no matter what happens on the outside of self. Make sure your inner world is peaceful and not in turmoil, as that will be your outer world.

      Think love, be love and shine love like the sun shines sunrays.

      Lots of love to you. Allan

      • Deb says:

        Oh boy I wish I could pick up the phone and talk to you, thank you for this. You have just brought me to tears. I don’t want to bog you down with details. I have already been trying some of the things you suggest but I will do so in a more earnest way. I have asked my angel guides for help but not an energy clearance, I will do so. I will ask Arch Angel Michael out loud. The hardest part is not letting the outside circumstance unbalance me, as it totally has. Obviously I am in far better control when I’m home. Last week I brought in a huge pink Himalayan salt crystal and set it on my desk, to absorb the negative energy and emit positive energy.
        I wish I could walk away from it, but I’m not in a position to do so at this moment, I’m looking for answers there too. But perhaps if I can center and balance my inner being it won’t be necessary.
        I will read this daily too. Truly I can’t thank you enough for taking time to care! You have touched me deeply! You are such a beautiful soul. My gratitude always!!
        Much love to you too!

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